Monthly Mini Membership Plan 2025

I offered these in 2023 and they were so much fun, I am thinking of doing them again in 2025… 12 Months of MINIS!

(Sign up HERE if you are ready!)

 Each “month”  there will be a theme that pairs with holidays or activities for each month!  At the end of the series, your images will be made into a 2026 calendar that can be gifted or kept as a keepsake of the year!

Check out the set designs and finished products from my 2023 Sessions! 

(Please note, the sets will NOT be the same, but it gives you an idea of the style and what to expect!)  2023 MMM Plan copy_9FCD55B4-29BB-4F63-B223-1F8FDE90C6A8 copy_49F189F2-2481-4973-A47E-AC06E677BDA9

To lock in this special discounted pricing, you must do all 12* sessions!  An initial payment of $300 will sign you up for the 12 Months of Minis (Monthly Mini Plan ) and then each session is just $125 for 5 images! 


* If circumstances change and you miss more than three sessions, you will be dropped from the MMM Plan and future booked mini sessions will be full price. Additionally, missing even one session will void the Calendar Keepsake gift.


You don’t need to be a member to participate in my Mini Sessions though!

These sessions will also be available “A La Carte” to anyone for $250 for 5 images! But by participating in the MMM Plan, you save $100 each mini session!


ALL sessions will be held indoors at our studio in Ramona (1039 D Street, Ramona, CA 92065).  


These minis are intended for children only (specifically grade school or younger although there are a few set exceptions that can include older siblings or the whole family).  These sessions are for individual families only and are not transferrable (if you wish to include friends/extended family in your sessions, THEY will want to book their own session and  schedule it back to back with your time slot.)


For little ones that cannot sit up on their own yet, set accommodations can be made!


You will see the session dates on the far right column. There will be at least TWO dates available for each session theme (Christmas always has more)! You will sign up for each session as they become available to book - but plan ahead with the known dates!! THIS is critical since re-schedule dates may result in a different/simpler set. I know many of you plan vacations and have kids in programs with busy schedules. Keep that in mind when considering signing up!


Due to the fact that these sessions are being done to accommodate holiday dates that some clients will want to use and post with the 2025 calendar schedule,  sessions need to be done prior to the holiday to allow proper turn around time for me!  THAT means that occasionally, sessions will be a mere 2-3 weeks apart AND we will be doing the Christmas Sessions in early November SO be planning ahead for outfits!


Currently, all sessions are held on weekends, Saturdays and/or Sundays, but Friday and Mondays before and after the weekend they are offered may be able to accommodated!


Here is the list of monthly themes, although not all take place during that month!! You have to trust my style/aesthetic since I don’t have samples of the sets to see and they may not even be available when it is time to book each session - I can’t always set everything up just to photograph it - so a verbal description is often all that is provided!


New this year - I will also be offering a “birthday month” add-on /alternative if you want to feature your little one’s birthday in the calendar!


And I will be offering an “outdoor” alternative to some sessions as well (ex: flower fields in the spring - those would be priced above studio pricing though - more details when they are available)


You will notice below that Oct and Nov are in yellow.  This is because I am inverting the dates - the Fall theme will be done in September (but placed in the November calendar spot). This is because the November dates are for Christmas Session and there are no sessions in December in order to get the calendars ordered and delivered before Christmas. 


Finally, please ask if you have any questions! Here is the link to sign up!  

Disclaimer:  I have a minimum number of MMM Plan members that need to sign up for me to move forward this. If that number is not met and you have already signed up, I will refund your deposit. Members can sign up through the Valentine’s Session. 

If interested, sign up HERE!
