Kaia | Newborn Session | San Diego Newborn Photographer

December 10, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Of course every newborn is special....I really do believe each one is a unique and precious gift from God....that being said though....this one holds a special place in my heart because she is my niece!  We don't live to close to each other and December is by far my busiest month for sessions so we had to squeeze our session in when we all gathered to celebrate her momma's birthday!  I couldn't think of a better gift though, can you?  

Kaia was just 10 days old when we did her session which we did at Grandma's house!  We were sure to step outside for a quick set up too since Grandma has the best foliage in her front yard and it is such a special place to be and I LOVE outdoor set ups! These images will always be super special to our family, she is such a great blessing!  I must confess too that after the session, I soaked up every minute I could just snuggling and holding her, letting her sleep on my chest and I just stared at her perfect and angelic face the whole night....I don't have that luxury with my usual clients...it would probably be a bit creepy :) but I would never turn them down if they wanted me to snuggle their babies a little longer :) 

I seriously can't get enough babies and newborns are my absolute favorite so if you or someone you know is expecting....it is never to early to book your session!  Check out my website or contact me for more information!

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