Banks | Newborn Session | San Diego Newborn Photographer

May 29, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

{June 2019}

I was doing SOOOO good catching up with my past sessions, what happened?!  Well, I know....projects!  I, like may of you, tackled a lot of projects that were hard to find time for, deep cleaning, sorting, organizing....but we also built a chicken coop and started a flock from 2 day old chicks, landscaped the backyard to make a garden and got that going, created some "relaxing" areas in our backyard as's interesting when I write it...I started quarantine focusing on the inside of the house and now we are focusing on the outside to extend our livable's crazy how small your house can feel after you've been in it for a couple months non-stop (or what feels like it)! But I digress!  All that to say, sorry I haven't blogged in a over a week....but I'm back!

Meet Banks, who will be turning ONE this month!  Mom and dad were the sweetest ever and Banks was the perfect, tiny model! He even gave us some smiles towards the end!  

You will see my most common newborn progression in this session....I start with swaddled images.  I can usually do a couple of different swaddled set ups pretty quickly without disturbing baby too much....then I start to unwrap and work with less and less clothing....these images are where babies can start to become "unsettled" and we never know how sensitive they will be to posing, movement and touch until we are handling them at this this case, Banks gave us a few set ups, but as I recall, that last naked set up was it....he woke up during that set, needed a diaper and to eat!  But it was a good run!  Check out all his cute images and his beautiful family!

Check out my website or contact me for more information of booking your own session! Life will return to normal, even if it will be a "new normal" and I hope to help you capture it!

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