Moriah | Newborn Session | San Diego Newborn Photographer

October 16, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Before I say anything else, can I just say, LOOK AT THAT HAIR?  How beautiful is Moriah?!  This girl is the sweetest thing which I know is the biggest blessing to one of the sweetest families I know!  I first met Moriah's mom and dad when they had her big brother, which was just about five years ago!  I was ecstatic when they reached out to me to let me know there was going to be a new addition to the family!  They had been praying for a while about growing their family and through a lot of prayer, they decided to adopt and this little blessing is a direct answer to that prayer!  

My heart was so full during this session seeing Moriah's new family loving on her and they are just beyond blessed to be able to be her parents!  I couldn't imagine a more perfect fit, for them or her.  God is so good.

I LOVE photographing newborns- they are my absolute favorite so if you or someone you know is expecting OR is never to early to book your session!  Check out my websiteor contact me for more information!
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