Bejamin | Newborn Session | San Diego Newborn Photographer

February 27, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

I wish I was better at blogging, I have a lot of past sessions that still need to be blogged and seen....I really do have the cutest clients but here is a recent one!  Meet Benjamin!  Such a little love!  Dad plays guitar so we had to be sure to incorporate a guitar into the session!  Sometimes when I add a prop to their little hands the babies startle so it can take a few attempts to get it into position....once I do, I take a few "safe" shots - to make sure I have it, but then I work to "tweak and perfect" the position of the doesn't always work- sometimes they adjust and we lose the pose...(which is why I take the safe shot), well in this RARE case, not only did he keep his pose, he pretty much posed his fingers on his own!  I can't say for sure if that is an actual chord he is "playing" but it sure looks legit! Don't you love it!  

He really was a sweet little love and LOVED being swaddled (actually, pretty much every baby does) but we got some dreamy images of his little slumber in the swaddles!

Are you ready to start planning your newborn session with me?  Contact me for details!


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