Madison | Newborn Sessin | San Diego Newborn Photographer

May 01, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

{May 2019}

Time eludes me sometimes.  I can't fathom how this session was a year ago.  And I know it feels even more insane for the mom's and dads!  

I just love pink and gray color combos.  Probably my favorite colors for a girl session!  Little Madison was perfect, tiny and perfect! I remember making the little white romper for her session and how small she was when I met her....that outfit is tiny so it shows how tiny she is...I recently tried that outfit on another baby for a session and the outfit was TOO small for that baby - we couldn't use it!!  Just goes to show how different babies can be but all perfect and adorable!

Check out my website or contact me for more information of booking your own session! Life will return to normal, even if it will be a "new normal" and I hope to help you capture it!
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